London Tea Exchange on target to launch the most expensive tea in the world
By Nazir Ali
On Monday 20th December, London Tea Exchange (LTE) and the owner/founder CEO Sheikh Aliur Rahman invited a select few from the charity Global Development Foundation (GDF) to the prestigious London Tea Exchange, Brick Lane, East London to exchange ideas, as well as, have exclusive taster of his newest and the finest addition, the Golden Bengal tea, also known as the Sonar Bangla. The Golden Bengal is projected to become the most expensive tea in the world and in May 2022 it would be available to the tea drinking enthusiasts at a cost of a mere £140,000 for 100g.
You would be pleased to know that the tea was sourced in Bangladesh and organically produced at a specific location and altitude. This involves identifying and selecting only 1 or 2 leaves out of the 800-900 leaves in the Camelia Sinensis tea shrub.
Aliur explained that he was within the world’s top 10 collector of the rarest and the finest tea from 43 different countries and coffee from 31 different countries, totalling almost 900 different brands.

On a side note, Mr Islam Uddin of GDF explained the aims and objectives of the charity and hoped that LTE could support the Education strand of GDF and possibly work with the marginalised children of the people working in the tea industry in Bangladesh.
Kabir Ahmed, an Associate Member of GDF mentioned “I was so mesmerised by this selection of tea and coffee and even bought a teapot and some fine tea for my wife.”

It is hoped that this meeting between GDF and LTE would further develop and that Sheikh Aliur could become a patron providing access to resources and expertise for the charity.