The Hedgecock Community Centre celebrates the ‘end of year’ youth conference

Published: 2 January 2023

The Hedgecock Community Centre (HCC) held an end-of-year youth conference on Wednesday 28th December 2022.

Almost 50 young people aged between 9 and 16 packed out HCC. Young people from the local area participated in various competitions such as pool, table tennis, PS4 FIFA 2023, quiz & listened to motivational speeches.

Also in attendance were some parents who got involved with their children in playing chess, archery, darts, pool, table tennis and carom board games.

One parent, Abdul Quddus said, “This is a great initiative by HCC to engage young people in networking with one another under a supervised environment away from ASB and the cold.”

Two of his sons, Isa and Ishaq participated in some competitions. “My Isa won table tennis and Ishaq won the FIFA tournament.” He laughed.

Another activity was motivational speeches by the executive members of the HCC and Barking Community Forum to encourage and energise young people to be active members of the community and to wisely chose their friends and companionship.

Also in attendance were HCC management Yousuf Khan (HCC), Talib Uddin (BCF), Anwar Miah (BCF), Jamil Faradi (HCC), Harun Miah (HCC/BCF) and Nazir Ali (HCC Chairman), and Mohsin Choudhury (HCC Staff).

A huge thanks to all the volunteers and parents that attended and participated, as well as, helped with the chores.