Sheikh Says To Challenger Let’s Meet In Fire Me With My Qur’an And You With Your Bible

Published: 8 October 2022

By Shofi Ahmed

Friday Post 9

Sheikh said to the Christan man: You said you will put the Bible into the fire and you want us Muslims to do the same. To see which one is the truth that doesn’t burn. I accept your challenge. But a condition. I won’t just toss it. I myself will plunge in the fire with the Qur’an.

I have accepted your challenge and want you to do the same. Come let’s meet into the fire with me with my Qur’an and you with your Bible”.


Soon the sheikh said that the christian man’s world turned upside down. His eyesight began to fail, obviously, now he steps back. To these people he threw down his challenge and roamed. Now they surrounded him. He got exposed, his spine started to trimble. He bagged their pardon and told them that it was a plan of his masterminds. Not a few but a bunch of them. They planned to humiliate the Muslims but it was them who in the end was humiliated.


The sheikh beat him in his own game. The proof is in the pudding. The sheikh showed it indeed. He was the one who threw down the challenge. Then he himself makes the u turn begging for forgiveness.


Nonetheless, we know these happened time and again Muslim ulemas, scholars, heroes even ordinery pious muslims faced many similer challanges from across the board. From people of all walks of life. And they beat the villains in their own game.


It’s been happening from the beginning. At the time of the third Khulafa e Rashideen. A jewish businessman in Madinah Monwara had a well there. At one time he decided to charge people for taking water from his well. People were embarrassed paying for this extra cost which is generally free.


When the Khalifa Osman, may Allah SWT be pleased with him, heard that he didn’t ask him to stop that. It’s his well he has the right to put a price tag for his service. The Khalifa of the Muslim ummah and the capital city Madina where non-Muslims lived as well. He respected everyone’s right equally.


He proposed the Jewish businessman to be a partner with him. Given the extraordinary business acumen and profile Osman (RA) had, it was a steal for him. He accepts the proposal so Osman (RA) becomes his business partner. Nope, after becoming a partner he didn’t ask him to stop charging the residents of Madina for water from his well. He led him to continue what he was doing. Yet beat him in his own game. How? Let’s find out next In Shaa Allah.