Dr Muhammad Yunus Can Take Actions To Get Hasina Back To Bangladesh For Trials

Published: 18 September 2024

If handled skillfully a much sought after delicate diplomatic mission could mark a turning point in Bangladesh. We will explore why Dr Muhammad Yunus is well fit for this challenging task. Following former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s ousting and subsequent refuge in India, Bangladesh’s interim leader Dr Muhammad Yunus faces a significant challenge to keep a decent tie with India while their guest Hasina isn’t quite quiet there rather making noise. Dr Muhammad Younus is also facing public demand to bring her back to face potential legal proceedings. This situation presents both challenges and opportunities for Bangladesh’s future.

On September 15, 2024, Sheikh Hasina, while staying in New Delhi, gave an interview to an Indian news channel, criticising the interim government in Bangladesh and alleging that her ousting was unconstitutional. This statement caused an immediate uproar in Bangladesh and put Dr Muhammad Yunus in a difficult position.


The following day, thousands of protesters gathered in Dhaka, demanding Hasina’s immediate return to face trial for alleged human rights abuses during her tenure. Protest leaders cited Hasina’s recent interview as evidence that she was interfering in Bangladesh’s internal affairs from Indian soil.


Simultaneously, the Indian government expressed its discomfort with the situation, as Hasina’s comments were seen as potentially damaging to India-Bangladesh relations. Indian officials privately conveyed to Dr Yunus that while they couldn’t restrict Hasina’s movement or speech, they were also not endorsing her statements.


Dr Yunus found himself in a delicate balancing act. He needed to respond to the public outcry in Bangladesh and maintain the push for accountability, while also preserving the crucial relationship with India. In a carefully worded statement, Yunus addressed both concerns:


“We respect India’s position as our valued neighbour and friend. However, we also urge all parties to be mindful of the sensitive nature of our current political transition. Our focus remains on ensuring justice and accountability through proper legal channels, and we hope for cooperation from all sides in this endeavour.”


This example highlights the tightrope Dr Yunus must walk: managing domestic expectations for justice, respecting India’s position as a host to Hasina, and maintaining diplomatic ties, all while dealing with the practical challenges of a former leader making political statements from abroad.


Potential Actions and Their Benefits:


1. Formal Extradition Request:

Dr Yunus’s administration could initiate formal extradition proceedings. This would demonstrate Bangladesh’s commitment to the rule of law and could strengthen its international legal standing.


2. International Diplomatic Pressure:

Leveraging Yunus’s global reputation to build diplomatic pressure could enhance Bangladesh’s international profile and assert its sovereignty.


3. Legal Proceedings in Absentia:

Initiating legal proceedings in Bangladesh could reinforce the country’s judicial independence and set a precedent for accountability among political leaders.


4. Public and Media Campaign:

A coordinated campaign could foster transparency in governance and engage citizens in the democratic process, potentially increasing political awareness and participation.


5. Conditional Bilateral Negotiations:

This approach could lead to a more balanced relationship with India, potentially benefiting Bangladesh in areas of trade, security, and regional cooperation.


6. Offer of Safe Passage or Guaranteed Fair Trial:

Such guarantees could boost Bangladesh’s reputation for justice and human rights, attracting positive international attention and potentially foreign investment.


7. Economic and Trade Leverage:

While risky, this could lead to more favorable trade terms with India in the long run, benefiting Bangladesh’s economy.


8. Appeal to Indian Judicial System:

This would showcase Bangladesh’s respect for legal processes and could strengthen judicial cooperation between the two countries.


9. Interpol Red Notice:

This move could demonstrate Bangladesh’s commitment to combating high-level corruption and improve its standing in global law enforcement cooperation.


10. Evidence Gathering and Case Building:

This process could enhance Bangladesh’s investigative capabilities and set higher standards for legal proceedings against public officials.


Benefits for Bangladesh:


1. Strengthened Democracy: Successfully bringing Hasina to trial could reinforce democratic principles and the rule of law in Bangladesh.


2. International Credibility: Handling this situation diplomatically yet firmly could enhance Bangladesh’s international reputation.


3. Improved Governance: This process could set new standards for accountability in Bangladesh politics.


4. Economic Stability: Resolving this political issue could lead to greater economic stability and potentially increased foreign investment.


5. Regional Influence: Successfully managing this delicate situation could increase Bangladesh’s influence in South Asian regional politics.


Why Dr Muhammad Yunus is Well-Suited for This Mission:


1. International Reputation: As a Nobel laureate, Yunus has global credibility that can be leveraged in diplomatic negotiations.


2. Economic Expertise: His background in microfinance gives him unique insights into Bangladesh’s economic needs and potential leverage points.


3. Non-Partisan Image: Yunus is seen as relatively non-partisan, which could lend credibility to the legal proceedings against Hasina.


4. Diplomatic Experience: His work with international organizations has equipped him with valuable diplomatic skills.


5. Visionary Leadership: Yunus’s innovative approach to social problems could bring fresh perspectives to this complex political situation.


6. Moral Authority: His reputation for integrity could help in framing the issue as one of justice rather than political vendetta.


7. Global Network: Yunus’s international connections could be invaluable in building a coalition of support for Bangladesh’s position.


In pursuing these actions, Dr Yunus has the opportunity to not only address the immediate issue of Hasina’s potential trial but also to set new standards for political accountability, strengthen Bangladesh’s democratic institutions, and enhance its position on the global stage. His unique combination of international respect, economic acumen, and diplomatic skill makes him particularly well-suited to navigate this complex situation.


The approach taken by Dr Yunus and his interim government will have far-reaching consequences for Bangladesh’s political future and its relationship with India. If handled skillfully, this delicate diplomatic mission could mark a turning point in Bangladesh’s governance, potentially leading to a more transparent, accountable, and internationally respected political system. The international community will be watching closely, offering Bangladesh an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to justice, sovereignty, and democratic principles.