Young trailblazer completes his first London Marathon in style!

Published: 5 October 2021

On Sunday 3rd October, Mohammed Juned Uddin, aged 24, participated in his first London Marathon. He completed the iconic 26.2 miles (42.2KM) in a very respectable time of 4hrs 45mins.

The 2021 London Marathon was the 41st running of the annual London Marathon, which attracts more than 80,000 runners. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic the race was postponed from April until 3rd October.
Even though Juned is very fit and active, he only considered running the Marathon in August 2021 and had a colossal task ahead of him. Initially, he did runs of 5K, 10K etc. and built it up to 30K being his longest pre-marathon run.
He was supported by experienced brothers in his network from the Boxers Fitness Academy (BFA) and his older brother Shahim Uddin, who himself ran the London Marathon in 2017, and BFA lead, Monir Ahmad who himself completed the London Marathon 2019 in an impressive time. “I was supported by experienced brothers who prepared me in my training and dietary regime, which in turn, helped me be ready both mentally and physically for this race!” Said Juned. “In the first half of the race I felt great with little problems. However, the pain started from 30km During my training I had only ran at 30km so going beyond this point was untested. But Alhamdulilah,  from the duas from the family and friends, as well as, the will from Allah, I was able to complete my first marathon at a decent time.” Added Juned.
Juned would like to use his achievements as a cornerstone for others of similar age or younger take up regular running.
“My message is get into a sport or hobby that brings the community together. I believe this will give our youngsters goals and targets and a diversion away from anti social behaviours.” Reminded Juned. “An organisation like BFA is making a real change in getting many young people fit and active in the area.” Further added Juned
For his charitable cause, Juned is fundraising for the charity; Sense Charity which helps and supports children and adults who are deaf and blind. Should you wish to donate towards the appeal,  please donate generously: