Sensational Shahjahan beats diabetes through running!

Published: 12 October 2021

Just under five years ago, Shahjahan Kadir aged 50, a respectable Maths Teacher, took up running after discovering he had type 2 diabetes. Since then, there’s nothing that can stop him from running. He’s become a sensational athlete and an inspirational role model to many others in the community.

Through various running initiatives such as Park Run and Run Through, he’s travelled up and down the country ranking up running mileages and making history along the way. In fact, he’s regulated his diabetes and now leads a normal healthy lifestyle. “After discovering that I had diabetes, I decided to do something about it. I got up from my couch and started running!” Reminisced Shahjahan. “It’s the most effective way to keep fit and healthy without relying on others!” Added Shahjahan.

Since then, he’s known locally as the “Legend of solo running”. Here’s his record of achievements to match his accolades. You can do the maths:-
2 x Marathon (Brighton & Manchester)
62 x Half Marathon
253 x 10KM Run
66 x Park Run (5KM)
He is truly a role model for the community and has inspired dozens of people to take up running. Once such person is Nazir Ali. “One day, I saw him running solo in the park. I just joined him and that was it.” Said Nazir. “He’s such a humble unsung hero of our community, a tutor to many like us, and should be recognised!” Add Nazir.
You can follow Shahjahan’s running logs on Strava He’s accumulated over 300 medals by running with Run Through.
You can also follow his remarkable story on YouTube