Why Can’t A Computer Rewrite A Verse Of The Qur’an? (Continues)

Published: 26 February 2023

Friday Post 16

By Shofi Ahmed

I am an Imam or I am a devoted practising Muslim. I know computers won’t be able to spin a single verse of the Qur’an. Why should I spend my valuable time reading the wonder works of computers rather than reading more about Masla/Masael?

Okay. What if I say we will benefit and be able to better understand the Qur’an. If we strive to dive into it by all sublime knowledge including science and literature. The jurisprudence Masla/Masael aspect of the Qur’an is essential as it constitutes the sharia. These are well defined definitions. The goodness however can never be absolutely defined as Allah SWT has magnified it with endless provisions. Because Allah SWT Himself is good and source of all the goodness. These goodness and definitions might sound philosophical. Luckily we got a good simple example to demonstrate it. Let’s begin:

We know Hazrat Bilal was the Muazzin of the beloved prophet (PBUH). He hailed from outside Arab. Hence his pronunciation of Ashadu while giving Azan used to sound like As-sadu. The Prophet (PBUH) didn’t mind but he noticed discomfort of some of the Sahabas may Allah SWT be pleased with them. Who were missing the usual beautiful Arabic pronunciation.

So one day the prophet (PBUH) asked a native Arab to give the Azan. He did. Prayer was done. Then came Jibril (AS) and said to the best of the prophets peace be upon him that the Azan didn’t reach to the Arsh, the throne of Allah SWT this Waqt of salah. Subhan Allah to Allah SWT Bilal’s may Allah SWT be pleased with him As-sadu was more dearer than that perfectly pronounced one. And of course whatever is dearer to Allah SWT that’s dearest that’s the best.

It’s an example that while we should do our best, goodness cannot be defined. We can draw more examples from the Hadis as well. The Prophet (PBUH) said without the mercy of Allah SWT no one can enter paradise with the rewards of good deeds alone. The Quranil Hakeem contains this underlying undefined exponent. Therefore we should strive to dive into the Qur’an with diverse knowledge. Especially leveraging new found knowledge and tools of new ages as well. Because every new age opens a new window to the forever new Qur’an. That’s new not only in terms of religion but in science and literature too.

For example if we look at pixels. That is a prime digital age feature that brings powerful stories to life with tiny brushstrokes, colours and captivating visuals.
However these prevailing images too fade away with time, leaving nothing but dim memories. Then let’s juxtapose it with the Qur’an. What we can see is there is still one thing that never loses its strength, elegance or beauty – the divine book of Allah SWT. Its words are beautifully crafted and form a panorama of the past, present and future – shining brightly in its smallest and largest forms alike.
The Qur’an has the power to uplift, inspire and sustain us with its details that are inscribed until the end of time.

In Shaa Allah continues.