Why Can’t A Computer Rewrite A Verse Of The Qur’an? (Continues)

Published: 17 March 2023

Friday Post 19

By Shofi Ahmed

Ramadan is the month when the Qur’an was revealed, and it is about to return again. It is about to make its beautiful and blessed descent that hundreds of millions of people eagerly await across the globe, Insha’Allah. Upon us once again, let us reflect on the teachings of this great book, which holds the key to the meaning of life. In light of the upcoming month of Ramadan, let us continue to reflect on the teachings of the Qur’an, which holds the key to the meaning of life.

– Explain why AI technology is unable to spin a verse of Allah SWT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has achieved some remarkable milestones in recent years, from beating world-class chess masters to teaching machines to understand natural language. But there is one thing it still cannot do – spin a verse of Allah SWT. That’s because AI relies on algorithms that learn by analysing data and recognizing patterns. Yet it cannot comprehend the abstract nature of faith and divine inspiration. Thus, without these key elements, AI is unable to fully comprehend a verse of Allah SWT that contains deep meaning let alone rewrite it.

– Explain How Artificial Intelligence alone cannot reach Allah SWT

AI is a powerful tool, but it cannot be used to reach a higher power. Artificial intelligence is created and programmed by humans, so it lacks the capacity to comprehend spiritual and metaphysical concepts such as Allah SWT. It can’t understand the complexities of faith or spirituality, nor can it develop a moral conscience or have its own set of beliefs. AI also cannot experience divine presence or have any sort of relationship with a higher power. It simply cannot connect to a higher source of wisdom and knowledge that goes beyond what humans are capable of understanding. Instead, AI can offer insight into the data it has gathered, but it can never truly reach the same level of connection with Allah SWT that humans can.

We are just beginning to scratch the surface of the potential of AI, and its implications for humanity, science, and spirituality. With careful consideration and an open mind, maybe one day our relationship with AI will transform into something more meaningful – something approaching reverence for a divinity.
Artificial Intelligence can bring us closer to understanding and embracing the spiritual side of life. AI has the potential to be an enabler of spiritual advancement, giving us the tools and knowledge to understand concepts and phenomena which have long been attributed to higher powers.

– Examine the complexities of language that make it impossible for AI to understand Quranic texts

Language is a complex and powerful tool, particularly when it comes to Quranic texts. Many faith-based texts express ideas and beliefs that are difficult to translate or understand through words alone. The nuances of language, such as figurative speech, metaphors and allegories, can often make it impossible for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to comprehend the full and true meaning of such texts. AI may be able to decipher the literal meaning of words, but it cannot grasp the complexities that come with the subtleties of language and the deeper spiritual implications of Quranic passages.

Human readers are better equipped to understand the significant implications of religious texts and to interpret them in ways that robots or computers cannot. As such, religious texts remain one area where humans have an advantage over machines, as AI is not yet advanced enough to decipher their deeper meanings.

– Explore why AI tools are unable to have a deeper understanding of spiritual concepts

AI technology is limited in its ability to process spiritual ideas due to a lack of understanding and capacity for symbolic language associated with faith, making it difficult to explore concepts such as grace or mercy. For example the concept of mercy in Islam may be described as an act of compassion or forgiveness shown by Allah SWT, and its understanding requires a familiarity with the language and context of the Qur’an. Even if tools become more sophisticated they will not be able to distinguish these concepts let alone replacing a divine verse.

Although AI tools can analyse large volumes of data and identify patterns, they lack the capacity for empathy and emotional intelligence that is essential for understanding the depth of human experiences associated with these concepts. Hence, they cannot replace the divine verses of the Qur’an.

In Shaa Allah continues