Ramadan Daily Dose: The Qur’an and Your Child’s Academic Studies

Published: 14 April 2023

Day 23


By Shofi Ahmed 


We have also looked at the golden section or proportion found in the opening chapter of the Qur’an, Surah Fathiha. This ratio is an irrational number with an infinite number of decimal places that represents the path of balance, also known as Siratum Mustaqim. When analysing the golden section, it becomes clear that it’s embedded to create a perfect balance within the verses. The way this balance is created highlights the beauty and complexities of the golden ratio, and its potential to unlock timeless compositions.

The impact of this beautiful balance is significant, and the infinite possibilities of the golden ratio can be interpreted in contemporary art and design. This balance creates an aesthetic value that is undeniable and has been used for centuries in Islamic art and architecture. By understanding the beauty and complexities of the golden section, one can unlock the potential for its application in various fields of design, including graphic design, architecture, and product design.


The Siratum Mustaqim is a hidden gem in the opening chapter of the Qur’an. The perfect balance created by the golden section is a representation of the path of balance that is central to Islamic teachings. This path represents the journey of the faithful towards Allah SWT, and the infinite fluidity of this path is reflected in the infinite possibilities of the golden ratio. As a result, the golden ratio is an important symbol in Islamic art, and its effects can be seen today in the intricate patterns and designs that adorn Islamic architecture and textiles.

In conclusion, the golden section is an integral part of the beauty and complexities of the opening chapter of the Qur’an. Its employment to create a perfect balance within the verses highlights its potential as a timeless composition, while the hidden gems of the Siratum Mustaqim add to its significance. Understanding the beauty and complexities of the golden ratio can unlock its potential for contemporary art and design while staying true to its Islamic roots.