London Enterprise Academy celebrates an evening of success.

Published: 20 December 2023

On Friday 15th December, London Enterprise Academy (LEA) based on Commercial Road, East London brought together pupils from current and former years, teachers, dignitaries, and community leaders to their Rev. Jesse Jackson Hall to celebrate the GCSEs and Ambassador Awards.

It is now well-recognised that the pupils and staff at LEA, under the leadership of Principal Ashid Ali, have a proud tradition of consistent grassroots engagement and have once again gone above and beyond to recognise and reward those students who have either achieved exceptional exam results or made impactful contributions in society.

The school welcomed more than 200 students, teachers, parents, and guests commenced with dhol music by current students, followed by hosts: students Berkey Yirtici and Aysha Uddin. The audience was swiftly settled by a mesmerising Qur’an recitation by Saaqib Chowdhury (Year 8), and a nasheed by popular Rafi Munim (Year 10).

The awards presentation commenced with the GCSE Awards to the class of 2023, including the renowned community champion, Emdad Rahman MBE who received awards for successfully achieving a couple of GCSEs from LEA including Maths.

One of the pinnacles of success for LEA was their ex-student, Jaria Mirza, who is now a well-recognised medicine student at King’s College and the author of Hidden Within. She went on to offer a signing session of her book well into the evening.

Next, the school celebrated their ambassadors by giving out the Ambassador Awards led by Zerin Islam and others, followed by inspirational speeches from community champions and activists, including Ayesha Qureshi MBE, Cllr Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Cllr Jahed Choudhury, Speaker of Tower Hamlets, Abul Hyat Nurujjaman, Director General of BBCCI, Taz Chowdhury, CEO Channel S, Cllr Ohid Ahmed, Cllr Shafi Ahmed, Cllr Abdal Ullah, Emdad Rahman MBE, Mahbub Alam, and Wazid Hassan Shelim to name a few.

Principal Ashid Ali, the brainchild of this event explained to the audience why this recognition and rewards were so important to empower the current cohorts to take the next steps towards their dreams and their parent’s dreams. He thanked the teachers, school governors and parents for sharing these successes due to their compassion for the school and through their leadership and persistent dedication, enabled LEA to propel students towards top Rusell Group universities such as Cambridge, Kings College and QMW.

Finally, we would not do justice if we did not mention Muhi Mikdad, the Careers Advisor and Parent Engagement Lead, LEA.  Muhi is the backbone of LEA’s success to date. He is an all-around organiser and administrator of all the extra-curricular activities of the school and beyond. Muhi also pulled this awards night within a couple of days of being just a pipedream.

“Thank you to all the students, parents, staff, and the community guests for joining us at our GCSE and Ambassador Awards Celebration. I am passionate about LEA and the community. It was great to see and learn about the journeys of our students after they had left LEA. Next Year we will celebrate our 10th anniversary.” Said Ashid.

The evening ended with a large cake-cutting ceremony and hot sumptuous food served by All Season Food, with further networking late into the evening.

#LEA #Education #Inspirational #Empowering #Awards #Ceremony