If the Tories Tolerate Lee Anderson, Do They Also Tolerate Racial Division?

Published: 27 February 2024

Lee Anderson demonstrated that his suspension amounts to nothing more than a slap on the wrist. He is not only refusing to apologise even doubling down on his comments, which are both Islamophobic and racist. The country’s ruling party must not tolerate such vile associations; therefore, he should be expelled from the party immediately.

If Sunak refuses to act on Lee Anderson, it raises concerns: Are the Tories tolerant of racial division? Gavin Barwell, a peer and former chief of staff to Theresa May, has called for Anderson to be barred from rejoining the parliamentary party until he issues a genuine apology. This proposal should be enacted without delay.


Anderson is not merely playing the race card; he is spreading vitriol across the entire community. He stated, “Politics is divisive…”—a statement that, without a doubt, reflects his own political approach. However, the question arises: Is this why he was elected? To divide the people? I must ask whether he can honestly tell his constituents whether they voted for him to divide or to unite them. This situation is outrageous. Prime Minister Sunak must take decisive action against these appalling remarks if he wishes to curb racial hatred in the country. He should start by cleansing his party.


The essence of leadership within any democratic society rests not only in guiding with policies and governance but also in embodying the moral and ethical values that knit the fabric of that society together. In the face of comments that serve only to deepen societal divides, the role of the party and its leaders becomes paramount in taking a stand for the collective ethos of unity, respect, and tolerance.


The reluctance or delay in addressing such issues not only emboldens the voices of division but also sends a disconcerting message to the public about the party’s stance on racism and Islamophobia. It is a moment that calls for leadership to rise above political calculations and take actions that reflect a commitment to the core values of British society.


Moreover, the broader implications of such controversies extend beyond the immediate political fallout. They have the potential to influence the social fabric of the nation, affecting community cohesion and the sense of belonging among minority groups. When elected officials use language that is divisive or discriminatory, it not only alienates segments of the population but also undermines the principles of democracy and equal representation.


Therefore, it is crucial for Prime Minister Sunak and the ruling party to not only address this specific incident with the seriousness it deserves but also to implement stronger measures to prevent such instances in the future. Doing so would not only demonstrate a commitment to combating racism and promoting social harmony but also reinforce the United Kingdom’s reputation as a diverse and inclusive society.