Visionary Ramadan Safety: Policing Hackney and Tower Hamlets Mosques With Care

Published: 16 March 2024

The Metropolitan Police have set their sights high, aiming to elevate their community engagement and security measures at mosques during the blessed month of Ramadan. Into this ambitious trajectory steps Acting Inspector Mohammed Uddin from the Hackney neighbourhood team, who has served as the Hackney police bronze commander for seven consecutive years, armed with a winning strategy. With precision and expertise, he lays down the bullet points, each meticulously designed to propel the plan off the ground. Uddin’s approach has proven to be not just a blueprint for safety; it has carved out a launchpad for an outstanding form of community-centred policing set to soar.

Let’s delve into the package. Mohammed Uddin’s meticulously devised plan, honed over seven years of experience as the bronze commander for mosque security during this sacred period, sets a remarkable precedent for community engagement and safety within the Met Police’s operational framework.


The initiative encompasses a multi-faceted approach to ensure peace and security for the Muslim community during their time of prayer and reflection across Hackney and Tower Hamlets. It includes dedicated police patrols during evening hours, augmented by council CCTV monitoring, forming the backbone of a robust security apparatus. Moreover, the provision of direct contact details for neighbourhood teams and faith officers to all mosques enhances the sense of accessibility and responsiveness of law enforcement to the community’s needs.


The deployment of council wardens to patrol at Taraweeh prayer times, alongside the training of volunteers and mosque points of contact in crime prevention and counter-terrorism, demonstrates a proactive stance towards potential threats. Furthermore, Uddin’s leadership in chairing weekly meetings with community leaders to assess security measures and address concerns underscores a commendable commitment to open dialogue and collaboration.


The strategy also recognises the importance of consistent communication, with weekly contacts to each mosque for feedback and discussion, ensuring that the mosques’ Ramadan security and engagement remains a priority in weekly Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meetings. The differentiated approach, with larger mosques receiving increased patrols, coupled with policies to accommodate officers who are fasting, showcases thoughtful consideration for both community and police welfare.


Eid, marking the end of Ramadan, sees an amplification of this security presence, providing visible reassurance through extra officers and patrols, exemplifying the plan’s comprehensive nature. Complementing the localised efforts in Hackney and Tower Hamlets, Uddin’s plan aligns with the Met’s central strategy, Operation Brocks, initiated in response to the conflict in Gaza. This operation aims to extend reassurance patrols and deter hate crimes, benefiting both Muslim and Jewish communities, thereby fostering a wider scope of communal harmony and safety.


I am sure faith communities will welcome more of this combination of strategic foresight, inclusivity, and responsive measures. For the Muslim community, it enhances the security landscape during a time of significant religious observance and fortifies the bonds between the police force and the diverse communities it serves. This initiative undeniably sets a positive trajectory for the Metropolitan Police’s efforts in safeguarding places of worship and promoting peace and unity across London.