Fly To Allah SWT With The Fast Flying Ramadan (15)

Published: 30 March 2024

“يس” (Ya-Sin) “وَالْقُرْآنِ الْحَكِيمِ” (wal Qur’anil hakim) “إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ” (Innaka la minal Mursalin)


To fully comprehend the Qur’an, we must embark on a holistic quest that is not confined to any single branch of knowledge. Let me explain. Surah Ya-Sin captivates from its outset with a transcendent verse that belongs to the Muqatta’at, the enigmatic letters whose meanings are divinely guarded. This mystique sets the stage for the Surah’s profound revelations. As it unfolds from its mammoth, locked backdrop, we encounter a floodlight of wisdom with the verse “wal Qur’anil hakim,” heralding the Qur’an as a source of wisdom, governance, and authority.

The narrative deepens with the subsequent affirmation that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is indeed a messenger. It is reflected in hadiths that one of his favoured daily prayers was “Rabbi zidni ilma,” “O Lord, increase me in knowledge.” Even with the divine confirmation of his role, the Prophet (PBUH) sought ever more knowledge, illustrating the boundless nature of divine wisdom and its relevance to the seeker.


This pursuit of knowledge, as demonstrated by the Prophet (PBUH), sets a paradigm for engaging with the Qur’an. It encourages a holistic quest for understanding that transcends religious doctrine to encompass all branches of human knowledge, including jurisprudence, language, the arts, and sciences. This insatiable quest for knowledge is not only about personal enlightenment but also serves as a cornerstone for societal advancement and spiritual growth. It embodies the ethos that the journey of learning is infinite, with each discovery leading to new horizons of understanding.


Moreover, this expansive view of knowledge fosters a culture of intellectual curiosity and critical thinking, essential for navigating the complexities of our world. It underscores the importance of not just acquiring knowledge but also applying it wisely to improve ourselves and the world around us. The Qur’an, with its vast repository of wisdom, offers insights into the human condition, ethics, and the universe, inviting us to explore, question, and reflect.


Surah Ya-Sin, through its opening verses and the profound lessons contained therein, invites us on a ceaseless journey of intellectual and spiritual exploration. It underscores the value of continuous learning, humility in the face of divine wisdom, and the application of knowledge for the betterment of humanity. This journey of discovery is not confined to the individual but is a collective endeavour that enriches the tapestry of human experience, drawing us closer to the divine and each other in the process. Through this, we are reminded that the quest for knowledge, inspired by the Qur’an and the example of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is a noble pursuit that encompasses the full potential of human endeavour, illuminating the path toward enlightenment and unity.